As a librarian in an endless, timeless void, she has a job to do and little motivation to do it.
A quick spell to discover if the if a book of magic is practical or theoretical results in the all too real Sex Demon summoned before her and a renewed sense of commitment to her work… Well, maybe not her work but definitely to the new task at hand.
Demons have duties just like anyone else, and he was due to take part in a brutal and barbaric ritual.
Then he was summoned, bloodied and broken, to the bedroom of a beautiful, bookish woman. A woman he wants to keep distracted from her work and focused on him for as long as possible. Lucky for him, she is a generous host and the healing he needs requires a woman’s touch.
Can he convince her to spend enough of her time with him to nurse him back to health?
Will she find the magic she needs to put in the work needed to tame the beast?